Not too long ago an unknown company launched an advertizing campaign with the slogan: “We don’t make the cans you use. We make the cans you use better.”

CMC-Kuhnke is the company and they produce tools, gauges, testers, raters, and monitors used by those who make cans (and similar products).

I had difficulty even understanding the production function of these small implements. Try this:” The digital can seam micrometer can be used to measure double seam height, cover hook, or body hook when using the teardown method of double seam inspection.”

What I do understand is the distinction between, one, those who manufacture or create the product and, two, those who provide tools to make that production process cleaner, safer, more accurate, and more cost effective. It is like saying, “Our products make sure that the cans you use are the right size, contain the proper amount, open in a safe manner, and operate as the consumer expects.”

That is the way I think about the Academy of Preachers.

We do not call the young preachers to their gospel work. We do not form them as believers or disciples or ministers or even preachers. We seek to provide for them the tools they need to gauge their ability, to measure their progress, to monitor their discernment, and to test their understanding of the congregational and social significance of gospel preaching.

This spring we have hosted an on-line conversation about mentorship and this summer we have hosted a preaching camp. This fall comes another on-line discussion and in January, the first national Festival of Young Preachers. We are not making these young preachers; their congregations and school and faith communities and families are doing that; but we are making them better. And this is a good work!!