The list of Founding Partners has now grown to 36 toward our goal of 50 by March 1, 2010. They represent the diversity of those who have endorsed the Academy of Preachers: a business, a congregational network, and a college.

First, Logos Research Systems of Dallas, Texas sent a letter of partnership. They are the widely-known producers of digitized research materials for ministers, like the Logos Bible Study system. Their representative LeRoy Armstrong will be at the Festival of Young Preachers, manning an exhibit, and demonstrating their newest software. Armstrong is also the pastor of House of Hope in Cedar Hills, Texas and will serve as preaching mentor at the festival for one of the young preachers, Justin Green.

Second, the Central District Baptist Association represents scores of African American Baptist churches in and around Louisville, Kentucky. Their letter of partnership promised to promote the Academy among their young preachers. Already a number of Central District pastors are involved with the Academy, including current moderator Eric Johnson and immediate past moderator Bernard Crayton; others include T. Vaughn Walker and Kevin Nelson.

The Central District is the first of what I earlier called “the big seven in Louisville” to formally endorse the Academy. The other six, from which we are still seeking a letter of partnership, are: Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Southeast Christian Church, Simmons College, Presbyterian Church USA, and the Archdiocesse of Louisville. Not included in that list but already partners with us are the Kentucky Conference of the United Methodist Church, whose headquarters are in Louisville, and Campbellsville University, which has a vibrant campus in Louisville.

The third of the recent partners is Kentucky Wesleyan College in Owensboro, Kentucky. In his letter of partnership, Campus Minister Kent Lewis promised to promote the programs of the Academy among their students and stated plans to advertize and exhibit at Academy events. One KWC graduate, class of 2009, is registered to preach in the inaugural festival in January.

We are aware of at least 10 other groups that are in the process of sending letters of partnership. These partners held to give us, a new, fledgling organization, and the credibility we need to attract young preachers to our cause. For a complete list of all 36 Founding Partners and for more information about how your organization, institution, or business can become a partner, consult the link above BE A PARTNER.

And don’t forget to pray today for Taylor Guthrie (at Harvard Divinity School) and Brandon Perkins (at Fisk University) as they prepare to preach at the Festival.